Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Gifts!

I hope you and yours had a most marvvvelous ou-liday! I did and this year I made my dearest friends Christmas gifts. I love giving unexpected, funny, memorable and personal gifts. My attempt to recreate their beauty was thE hardest drawing challenge I'm ever attempted! 
1)Heather Goldberg is a Jewelry/womenswear designer/artist and loves thug rap as much as I do. Checkout her beautifuuul jewelry here!!
2)Regina Yazdi is one of my favorite illustrators and,like me, was born with a pencil in her hand. Her work bembodies the past and the future of fashion illustration. I just realized how hard/fun it is to draw fellow illustrators. 
3)Theo Moysis is a fresh faced fashion designer living in New York and is currently designing at Tommy (the new hipper subdivision of Tommy Hilfiger). Like me, he loves to hunt down/share new music. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Inspiration: Erika Stevenson

These days it seems like everyone has 'one of those cameras' with the vintage feel and the slightly saturated colors. Unlike a lot of the photographers on Flickr/Tumblr/blogs/everywhere online, Erika Stevenson's photographs seemed more like art than a just another beautiful/bland photograph. I love how some of the landscapes/compositions in her photographs look a bit one dimensional. 
Checkout more of he work here.


I've posted music videos by before and their latest interview/live performance with Yelawolf is amazing.  He talks a bit about how he finally decided to stand up, make his own luck and put his passions into action. love hearing these kinda stories and seeing creatives in action. Thanks again

Saturday, December 4, 2010

3D Beauty

House In Sao Paulo / GrupoSP
(This is the same house )
I love architecture. I love product design. I love transportation design. I love interior design. I love textile design. I love designing accessories. I love designing/designers who design everything. Recently I've come across some exceptional pieces/spaces/places and thought I'd post them. Enjoy.
Marge Arkitekter - Villa J, Stockholm 2010 (on the right)
Ribbon House by g2 estudio

A new classic piece for a studio/any room!

Staircase by Danny Kuo